Our Advanced Dental Services & Technology – Palm Harbor, FL
Nothing Less Than the Best for Your Child
Our team always makes a point of staying up to date with the latest technology. Thanks to the latest instruments, the treatment we provide your child is more efficient than ever before and keeps discomfort to an absolute minimum. Before you schedule your appointment with us, we invite you to learn more about the advanced instruments that make our specialty dental office different; get in touch with us to learn more about the technology we use to help your child.
Committed to State-of-the-Art & Comfortable
Lip & Tongue-Tie Experiences
Comfortable C02
Laser Treatment -
Dynamic Digital
Imaging -
All Digital
LightScalpel® CO2 Laser Lip & Tongue-Tie Treatment
You might be curious at first when you hear that a frenectomy involves dental lasers. However, laser treatment causes far less pain than a traditional procedure that utilizes scissors or scalpels. Furthermore, a laser is minimally invasive and immediately seals any blood vessels that become exposed, meaning there’s very little bleeding or swelling. The procedure will be over in mere seconds, and your child will only need a short amount of time to recover because a CO2 laser causes the least amount of tissue inflammation.
Digital Imaging
It might be hard to see exactly what a dentist can see just by looking at your child’s mouth with an untrained eye. Our cameras can give you a whole new perspective on your child’s smile. We can display these pictures and go over them with you and your child. You’ll be able to see everything we see in great detail, and you’ll be able to ask any questions that are on your mind. These images also make it easier for us to communicate with your child’s speech therapist, lactation consultant, or other medical specialists.
All-Digital X-Rays
Dental x-rays are often not needed when diagnosing a tongue or lip tie, but should our Doctors spot any dental abnormalities, it’s good to know that our dental office uses all-digital x-rays. Digital radiography is very safe and involves 90% less radiation than traditional radiography, and the images can be viewed instantly. High quality X-rays are essential for identifying oral health issues long before they become truly problematic.
Water Filtration System
Water plays an important role in many of our treatments. For your child’s safety, it’s important for us to be sure that the water has been properly filtered and does not contain any potentially harmful substances. Our Sterisil® filtration system is more advanced than anything you’d find in someone else’s home; it can get rid of virtually any contaminant, thus dramatically lowering the risk of infection. Thanks to Sterisil®, you can rest assured that your child will be completely safe during their visit to Florida Tongue Tie Institute.