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What to Expect During a Lip and Tongue-Tie Procedure – Palm Harbor, FL

Planning Ahead for the Procedure


Once we’ve decided that a frenectomy is your best option for helping your little one enjoy a healthy childhood and a happy life, we’ll schedule the appointment and give you instructions on how to prepare and what to epxect from your lip ant tongue-tie procedure in our Palm Harbor, FL dental office. We’ll do everything we can to make the procedure as pleasant as possible for you and your little one, but you still need to take some initiative in getting ready for the procedure. If you have any questions, you can always call us; we’re here to help!

Before Your Appointment

Mother brushing baby's teeth

We encourage consultation with a trained lactation consultant and speech language pathologist who specializes in infant feeding. If tethered oral tissue is suspected, then we recommend an immediate consultation with Dr. Maggie. Please read and complete our Infant Assessment and Infant Frenectomy forms so that you are well prepared for your visit. We encourage you to bring certain items with you.

Some Other Things That Are Helpful to Have on Hand

Child's teddy bear

It might be helpful to bring a few items that can help calm your little one down once the procedure is done, such as a swaddle blanket or favorite toy. Please do not overdress your infant. Bring any nipple shields or bottles that you have found helpful. Immediately following the procedure, you will be given the opportunity to nurse or bottle-feed in your private nursing room. Infant Tylenol is usually unnecessary and may mask signs of a fever, but you may want to have it available if absolutely necessary. This can be discussed with Dr. Maggie and your Pediatrician on an individual basis.


Teen smiling after lip and tongue tie consultation

Once your paperwork is complete, you will be brought to a private consultation room to review all forms and meet our Team. Once your child’s medically history has been reviewed, you and your child will be brought into one of our treatment rooms to be evaluated by Dr. Maggie Davis. We will take photos and discuss the risks and benefits of treatment. Should treatment be necessary, we are prepared to deliver care at the same appointment.