The Art of Singing: Can a Tongue-Tie Cause Problems?
December 18, 2024

Is your child in the choir at school? Do they hold an imaginary microphone in the car to belt out some of their favorite songs? Singing can be an enjoyable hobby for young kids; however, they might find it frustrating at times, especially if they have a tongue-tie. If you want to give your child a boost of confidence, find out how this restricted tissue is holding them back and what can be done to fix it.
(more…)How Can a Lip-Tie Affect My Baby?
November 6, 2024

Are you a new parent who just recently welcomed your little one into the world? This can be an exciting time as you begin to embrace your new role; however, it can also be challenging, especially if your baby has a lip-tie. Although you may be currently unaware of the potential problems this can cause, it’s important to know the signs so that you can seek professional help. Read on to discover how a lip-tie can negatively affect your infant and what you can do to help.
(more…)Infant Frenectomies: When Should They Be Performed?
October 8, 2024

Whether you’re a new mom or this is your second or third child, realizing your baby has a lip or tongue-tie can be disheartening. You want these early days to be enjoyable, not frustrating for your little one. However, when banded tissues get in the way, nursing or bottle-feeding can become a problem. How soon can an infant frenectomy be performed? Keep reading to find out why there’s no reason to wait when it comes to helping your baby flourish.
(more…)Greater Oral Movement: Why Should My Child Receive Tongue-Tie Treatment?
September 10, 2024

You want your infant or child to move through life without the challenges of being able to eat, breathe, and speak. In most cases, this isn’t a problem; however, if the tissue located underneath the tongue is restricted, it can make daily life much more difficult. Keep reading to learn why tongue-tie treatment is often necessary for children.
(more…)Limiting Lip and Tongue-Ties: 3 Common Myths Debunked
August 4, 2024

Did you know that an estimated 10% to 25% of babies and children have a lip or tongue-tie? This refers to a condition in which their frenulum, or band of connective tissue, located on the floor of their mouth or behind their upper lip, is too short, thick, or tight. This limits the range of motion in ways that can impact your little one’s oral and general well-being.
Although awareness of this condition has improved over the years, plenty of misconceptions remain, and it’s normal to wonder whether any of the information you’ve heard is true. Being well-informed about this issue can provide much-needed peace of mind regarding your infant’s oral health. Continue reading to learn 3 common falsehoods about lip and tongue-ties and the truth behind them!
(more…)A Pain-Free Laser Frenectomy: Is It Possible?
July 15, 2024

Releasing a lip or tongue tie may sound like a daunting procedure, but the truth is that advancements in dental technology now make it easier than ever before. While many dentists continue to rely on a traditional scalpel and sutures to perform this treatment, a newer, more patient-friendly approach is available – a laser frenectomy. But is this kind of procedure really pain-free? Keep reading to learn how this device works and why you can feel more at ease when preparing your child for their upcoming visit.
(more…)How Are Tongue-Ties Classified?
June 3, 2024

Tongue-ties are fairly common conditions that affect roughly 5 – 10% of all newborns. But what does this condition actually entail, and how is it classified? Continue reading below to learn a little more about this condition and how it’s often classified, so that you can ensure you’re making an informed decision about seeking treatment for your child.
(more…)What Happens if I Don’t Fix My Child’s Tongue-Tie?
May 3, 2024

Parenting is hard. You just want what’s best for your child, but misinformation can make that complicated. That seems to be especially true of health topics that are increasing in public awareness, such as tongue-ties. Maybe all the chatter has you confused, or maybe talk of laser treatment sounds intense. Whatever the reason, you’re starting to wonder if tongue-ties are even worth removing.
Most pediatric dentists believe the answer is “yes!” Keep reading to find out why.
(more…)Are Lip and Tongue Ties Linked to Postpartum Depression?
April 27, 2024
Did you know that 70% to 80% of new mothers experience postpartum depression? A case of the “baby blues” can last for several weeks or months. It’s common for new mothers to experience feelings of guilt or anxiety. You may also feel anxious, fatigued, or run down. Many factors contribute to postpartum depression, like lack of emotional support, sleep deprivation, and other issues. However, researchers have found a potential link between lip & tongue ties and the baby blues.
The Link between Tongue-Ties, Constipation, and Reflux
March 21, 2024

Tongue-tie is a condition that occurs when a baby’s tongue cannot move as well as it should due to a fold of tissue connecting the bottom of their tongue to the floor of their mouth. There are a variety of negative effects of tongue tie, including challenges breastfeeding, poor weight gain, colic symptoms, and more. What many parents don’t know is that there is a link between tongue-tie and gastrointestinal issues, especially constipation and reflux. Here’s what you should know.