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Greater Oral Movement: Why Should My Child Receive Tongue-Tie Treatment?

September 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — floridatongue @ 3:34 pm
doctor examining underneath a child’s tongue

You want your infant or child to move through life without the challenges of being able to eat, breathe, and speak. In most cases, this isn’t a problem; however, if the tissue located underneath the tongue is restricted, it can make daily life much more difficult. Keep reading to learn why tongue-tie treatment is often necessary for children.

What is Tongue-Tie Treatment?

Tongue-tie treatment is a procedure that requires targeting the banded tissue (frenulum), which is located underneath the tongue, and releasing it. This immediately creates greater oral movement so that your baby can latch following treatment, and your child can begin to enjoy eating, speaking, and breathing.

Many professionals use a soft tissue laser to conduct the procedure, as it is known to be more comfortable as well as safer and easy to use on patients. There is little bleeding or inflammation, and post-operative infection is drastically reduced because of the laser’s unique abilities.

Why Might a Child Be Recommended for a Frenectomy?

When taking your child to meet with a qualified professional about their tongue-tie, you may find that the doctor will recommend treatment based on the signs and symptoms they possess, such as:

  • Inability to latch while nursing
  • Poor weight gain
  • Colic and acid reflux
  • Prolonged feedings because of fatigue
  • Increased fussiness
  • Difficulty speaking because of a slight lisp
  • Trouble eating certain foods and swallowing them
  • Sleep-disordered breathing that causes them to breathe through their mouth and/or snore

What Benefits Can a Frenectomy Provide?

While no one wants to put their child through an unnecessary procedure, tongue-tie treatment is proven effective in delivering essential benefits that can remain with them throughout adolescence and adulthood.

Apart from the immediate improvements (i.e., improved latching while nursing) you and your child can expect to receive, this type of treatment can also:

  • Allow children to eat nutrient-rich diets so that their digestive health remains on track
  • Be a welcomed alternative to traditional frenectomies that use scalpels and sutures, prolonging the recovery process
  • Make sleeping easier and free of interruptions by making it easier to breathe with their mouth closed
  • Encourage healthy weight gain among infants and young children

Having your child undergo tongue-tie treatment is nothing to be fearful of. When working with a trusted professional, you can count on them to provide the information needed to keep you and your child at ease throughout the process.

About the Author
Dr. Maggie Davis earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery and completed her pediatric residency at the University of Florida. A board-certified pediatric dentist and Diplomate in the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, she is certified in treating infant and pediatric tongue-ties and lip-ties by the American Board of Laser Surgery. She is also a graduate of Dr. Richard Baxter’s Tongue Tie Academy and TOTs: Tethered Oral Tissues Program. If your child has a tongue-tie, but you are unsure whether treatment is necessary, call our office at (727) 786-7551 or visit our website so that we can examine the area and provide a formal recommendation.

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