Could a Tongue Tie Cause Your Baby’s Colic?
September 6, 2022

Why is the baby still crying? You’ve tried everything—feeding, swaddling and rocking, changing their diaper—and nothing seems to work. This has gone on for days or even weeks now, and you’re reaching the end of your rope!
Your baby’s colic could be to blame, but why are they crying so much? Have you considered the possibility of a tongue tie? Keep reading to learn how these problems are related and how treatment with a tongue tie expert can help everyone be happier.
What Is Colic?
Colic is a symptom that entails a baby crying for long stretches of time, usually three hours or more, after other causes have been ruled out. Colic episodes can occur several times a week or even every day. Needless to say, this can lead to frustration, exhaustion, and stress for everyone!
Excessive crying is common, but it is not something you should try to ignore. Your colicky baby could be signaling that something is wrong!
What Is a Tongue Tie?
A tongue tie is a piece of thick tissue that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth. Usually, this tissue, called a frenulum, disappears before birth, but in up to 10 percent of babies, it remains and limits the tongue’s function.
To see if your baby has a tongue tie, you can simply place a clean finger underneath their tongue and swipe it from one side to the other. If your finger is blocked, your baby likely has a tongue tie. You can also see it by raising their tongue and checking if this tissue is excessively thick.
How Can a Tongue Tie Result in Colic?
When the tongue is restricted and unable to create proper suction on a breast or a bottle, the baby cannot get enough milk. No wonder they seem hangry! Also, they end up swallowing more air, which doesn’t sit well in tiny tummies. This can cause reflux, which is uncomfortable and leads to more crying.
Not every baby who is colicky has a tongue tie; however, fussy babies who have a tongue tie could benefit from having it treated.
How Is a Tongue Tie Treated?
Fortunately, taking care of a tongue tie is a simple procedure. Using a soft tissue laser, your pediatric dentist can remove this thick frenulum. The laser cauterizes as it separates the tissue, giving the tongue far more flexibility and movement, and because of this technology, the baby should experience very little discomfort or bleeding from the procedure.
In the end, if your baby has a tongue tie, it is worth addressing so that they can gain better oral function. As a result, they can eat and feel better, and you can feel better too!
About the Author
As a board-certified pediatric dentist, Dr. Maggie Davis is certified in infant lip and tongue tie treatment with the American Board of Laser Surgery. She has even seen the benefits for her own children. If you think your baby has a tongue tie that needs to be resolved, contact us and schedule an appointment at our Palm Harbor office at 727-786-7551.
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