3 Ways to Tell If Your Infant Has a Lip or Tongue Tie
August 5, 2022

With your other kids, breastfeeding came quite naturally. You were able to nurse without too many issues, but this new baby is different. They aren’t thriving like the others did, and you start to worry when your pediatrician says they aren’t gaining enough weight.
Then, in your online research you discover that lip and tongue ties can interfere with breastfeeding, but how do you know if your infant has one? Here are three simple ways to determine if tongue tie treatment is necessary for your little one.
Notice Symptoms of Lip or Tongue Ties
Mothers, especially first timers, who struggle with breastfeeding know how frustrating and stressful it can be when you’re not sure what the trouble is. Unfortunately, your baby can’t communicate with you, so you need to pay attention to their behavior. If you notice any of these symptoms, the problem just might be a tongue tie:
- Difficulty latching onto the breast
- Biting down on the nipple
- Poor weight gain
- Clicking noises while suckling
Check Their Lip or Tongue Yourself
At home, you can examine your baby’s oral tissues to see if they are overly thick or restrictive. Start by laying your baby on your lap facing you. Gently lift and flip their upper or lower lip. A lip tie will prevent you from doing this easily and will not look thin and pliable. For the tongue, you simply swipe your finger underneath. If the little membrane blocks your finger or feels thick or strong, then they could have a tongue tie.
Meet with a Specialist
The most straightforward and certain way to tell whether your little one is dealing with a tongue or lip tie is to schedule a consultation with an expert in the field. After closely examining your baby, they can discuss their diagnosis as well as the treatment so that your baby doesn’t have to face additional problems as they grow in the future, such as difficulty eating solid foods or speech impediments.
Ultimately, if your baby has a lip or tongue tie, the procedure is fast, gentle, and basically instantaneous in results, meaning you can nurse directly after the treatment and notice improvement right away. Breastfeeding can be a powerful bonding experience, and you shouldn’t give it up only because you’re facing a lip or tongue tie hurdle. Get the help your baby needs to give you both the opportunity to enjoy this stage of their life.
About the Author
When it comes to treating lip and tongue ties, you’d be hard-pressed to find an expert like Dr. Maggie Davis. In addition to being a Diplomate in the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry as well as a board-certified pediatric dentist, she holds certifications with the American Board of Laser Surgery and is a graduate of the prestigious Tongue Tie Academy and TOTS: Tethered Oral Tissue programs. If you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Maggie, you can contact her office, the Florida Tongue Tie Institute by calling 727-786-7551 or visiting the Contact Us page here.
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